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The Impact of Good Nutrients for our Senior Nourish’d Community

  • 2 years ago

At Nourish’d we hear a lot about nutrition regarding preservatives and added refined sugar. But what about the fundamentals of nutrition, and how does this impact the community of older Australians? If you or someone you know is struggling with nutrition at an older age then keep reading to see how Nourish’d can help!

Why should we be concerned?

According to the American National Library of Medicine, maintaining a diet with dense, quality nutrients is incredibly important for older adults. Previous research indicates this and shows that lack of nutrients from food can impact the physical and mental health of those in their senior years. This is because bad nutrition may impact the mind, body and overall health of an individual, increasing their chance of lacking independence earlier than anticipated. 

It is good to define what Nourish’d means by “bad nutrition”. We see bad nutrition as a lack of macro and micro nutrients in the diet. This can be common in seniors if cooking has become a chore or it is hard to access good quality food due to their movement constraints. This is where Nourish’d comes in! With ready-made meals delivered to your door, Nourish'd is an easy option for those who need a little help when it comes to eating 3 square meals a day. 

Good Nutrients vs Bad Nutrients

Quality of life is integral to maintain the happiness of senior Australians. This is why Nourish’d is so passionate about helping this group of people. We want good nutrients for all mature individuals as making nutrition a priority could:

If these health events could be delayed, even by a few years, you or the ones you love can create more happy and beautiful memories together. Alternatively, if nutrition is not a priority for an elderly individual the following could occur:

These aren't great situations, especially if they could have been avoided with good nutrition. So, why wouldn’t you prioritize nutrition for senior citizens? 

So, what nutrients do older Australians need?

We have pulled out 4 key nutrients that are essential for older individuals health and wellbeing:

How We Can Help!

If you need to increase your intake of good nutrients or want to encourage good nutrition in an older individual, Nourish'd can help! We offer a menu of 50+ meals that are 100% gluten, preservative and refined sugar free so you know the nutrition side of meal prep is taken care of. We have many meals that are loved by our senior customers which include the Curried Sausage with White Potato Mash, Deconstructed Shepherd's Pie, Corned Beef with Cauliflower Mash & White Sauce and Cottage Pie. You can view our full Nourish’d menu here. 

Nourish’d also offers plans with Home Care providers to streamline the ordering process and allow the cost of meals to be manageable for those who need it. For more information about Home Care with Nourish’d click here.