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Is the Paleo Friendly Lifestyle Right for Me?

  • 2 years ago

We’re throwing it way back to where it all began. Did you know that Nourish’d actually started out as ‘Caveman Kitchen’ and offered paleo friendly meals? We now cater to more dietary options than any other meal provider  and strive to provide our community with the food necessary for growth, health, and peak condition. We don’t believe in strict diets and rules, but we do believe it’s important for everyone to have their choice on how to make the paleo friendly diet, or any other diet for that matter, fit into their lifestyle. 

We’ve compiled everything you need to know about the paleo friendly lifestyle, the foods you can and cannot eat, the benefits, the downfalls, and how to make the paleo friendly diet fit into your lifestyle! Keep on reading to find out all things paleo!

What is a paleo diet?

For starters, what even is the paleo diet? We’re going to bring you back to 10,000 - 2.5 million years ago known as the Paleolithic Era. Think Caveman - Remember Caveman Kitchen (see what we did there)? Back then, our hunter-gatherer ancestors had to live off the land and could only eat fresh foods such as lean meats (grass-fed), fish and seafood (wild-caught), fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs (cage-free or organic), nuts, seeds, and healthy oils (olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, and coconut) that they could get by hunting and gathering. 

No chocolate chip cookies or 2 minute noodles were anywhere in sight…oh the travesty. The paleo diet does not include foods such as grains, legumes, and dairy that became more common when small-scale farming began about 10,000 years ago. For those following a strict paleo diet, the following foods are not permitted: 

- Grains (cereal, crackers, rice, pasta, bread, and oh yes beer!)

- Legumes (peanuts, beans, lentils, tofu)

- Refined sugar

- Processed foods

- Soda & sweetened beverages

- Refined vegetable oils

- Salt

- Artificial sweeteners

- Dairy (milk, butter, yogurt, sour cream, and cheese)

The benefits of following a paleo diet 

The benefits of following a paleo diet are that you can increase your intake of whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. You can also decrease your intake of processed foods such as added sugars and excess sodium. Studies have shown that following a paleo diet may help manage weight loss, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. However, more studies are needed to understand the long-term, overall health benefits and possible risks associated with following a paleo diet. 

The downsides of following a paleo diet

The downsides of following a paleo diet and any diet for that matter are that it can be seen as restrictive. The paleo diet does cut out healthy foods such as legumes and grains which are an important component to a well-rounded diet. As we see with most restrictive diets, the results are usually not sustainable for the long term, so any potential benefits will only last as long as you choose to follow the diet. It’s always recommended to consult your GP or licensed dietitian before introducing a new diet.

How to make the paleo diet fit your lifestyle

Our mission is to have our tribe living their best lives. Strict diets aren’t for us, but we understand that everyone has different dietary needs, specifically eating paleo friendly meals! If following a paleo diet helps you live your best life, then we are all for it. If it doesn’t, we completely support that too. That’s why we cater to more dietary requirements than any other meal provider including gluten free, dairy free, keto friendly, paleo friendly, nut free, high protein, low carb, vegetarian, and more! 

If you are on the fence about trying out the paleo diet or just simply don’t want to take an all-or-nothing approach, we recommend only following the parts of the paleo diet that you enjoy and can find sustainable results from. For example, if you love fruits and vegetables, eat more fruits and vegetables and if processed sugary foods make you feel sick, weak, or tired, reduce your intake of those foods. 

If you are interested in trying some delicious paleo friendly meals, check out our  paleo friendly meal menu linked here. We have over 50 paleo friendly items (meals, drinks, sides, and snacks) on our menu for you to choose from. Orders close at 5pm AEST every Thursday. Order today at