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Reading food labels when living with Diabetes

  • 1 year ago

Food labels can be overwhelming and confusing to read at the best of times if you’re not 100% sure what to look for. In this blog, we’ll give you a practical guide on what to look out for on food labels if you’re someone living with Type 2 Diabetes 


  1. Carbohydrates 

Keeping an eye on the total amount of carbohydrates in each of your meals and snacks is important for managing blood sugar levels (read more on this here). Having an understanding of your total carbohydrate goal for each main meal and snack is the first step. 


Example goal: I aim to have 30g or less of carbohydrate in my main meals, and 15g or less of carbohydrates in my snacks. 


To check if a food products total carbohydrates meet your carbohydrate goal, follow the below guide

  1. Fibre


Fibre is our friend. It helps keep our blood sugar levels lower. Aiming for at least 7g fibre in your main meals and at least 5g fibre in your snacks is ideal. Follow the below guide to check the total fibre content on a food label:

  1. Ingredients list 

In Australia, ingredients lists must be written in order from highest quantity to lowest. This means the first 3-4 ingredients written on an ingredients list is what the food product is predominantly made up of. Read the first 3-4 ingredients on an ingredients list and choose food products that list the following types of foods first: 


- Wholegrains

- Protein

- Fruit

- Vegetables

- Nuts

- Seeds

- Legumes

- Lentils

If you’re someone living with Type 2 Diabetes, check out our Diabetes Friendly meals we have available. With over 25 meals available across our 3 menu’s, you won’t be short of variety! View the menu here


*Disclaimer: This advice shared in this blog is general advice only. For personalised advice, please speak with your Dietitian or Diabetes Educator.