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Our top 5 tips for eating on a budget with a family

  • 1 year ago

It’s no secret the cost of living has skyrocketed in Australia in recent years. According to an Australian survey, Aussies are spending approximately $200 on groceries per week in 2023, a 15% increase over the last two years. The cost of takeaway and eating out has also increased with a McDonald’s medium meal now costing 20% more compared to three years ago. Not only are we spending more on food, we are also throwing away more food per household. Data shows that we are wasting approximately 312kg of food per person each year, costing households up to $2500 per year. So how do we reduce our spending on food in a time where the cost of living is through the roof? Read on to find out our top 5 budget hacks for your family! 


Our top 5 budget hacks for Aussie families

1. Shop locally 

Try to shop locally where you can. Heading down to your local farmers market each week to purchase fresh produce will save you $$$ each week! 

2. Purchase fruits and vegetables that are in season

Shopping in season is key when purchasing fruits and vegetables. Prices can skyrocket if the produce isn’t in season. 

Tip: If a recipe calls for a fruit or vegetable that isn’t in season, substitute it for one that is in season. The cost per meal will significantly decrease. 

3. Plan out your families weekly meal plan before hitting the shops

Planning is key to shopping. Going to the grocery store with no list, and no plan can be dangerous for your wallet. You’ll end up spending money on items your family does not require. Make up a family weekly meal planner that you complete prior to going to the grocery store. Ensure your planner includes all main meals, snacks, drinks, and household items. 

4. Shop around for household staples to find the best deal 

Cleaning products and household staples can be costly if purchasing at full price. Shop around for these items to find out where they are on sale to get the best deal. Your local two dollar store will often have these items significantly cheaper than the big supermarkets. 

5. Reduce food wastage by switching to pre-prepared family meals 

As we mentioned earlier, food wastage is costing each household up to $2500 per year! An easy swap to reduce food wastage, and therefore put more $$$ back in your pocket, is to swap to pre-prepared family meals. Not only will you reduce your food wastage and save money, you will be making sure your family is fed quality, nutritious meals, made with only real ingredients if you choose Nourish’d Family Portion Meals. 

To view the full range of family portion meals, click here