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10 Years of Nourish'd!

  • 11 months ago

In honour of our 10th birthday, we wanted to take a trip down memory lane, to see how far we’ve come and to share our impact across the decade.


The journey started back in 2014 when Abbey and Dave, our incredible CEO’s, were struggling to cook and eat gluten, preservative and refined sugar free meals and keep up with their crazy schedules and life as parents. This is when they realised they could not only help themselves, but others who were struggling with the same issues. Thus, Caveman Kitchen was born!



With Dave tirelessly working two jobs, and Abbey bringing her parenting roles on the road for deliveries and overnight packing missions, their drive was to make a difference in the lives of many - and make a difference they did!


Within the first four years, business blossomed and Abbey and Dave knew it was time for a rebrand to capture their mission of having a real and positive impact on the health of humans. Caveman Kitchen became Nourish’d, a company that aims to show individuals that health is all about nourishing your body with micronutrients and wholefoods, not the latest diet craze.



Jump forward to now!


Guided by our 6 core values (which you can see here), Nourish'd has become so much more than just a meal delivery service:

  • We have helped people save time in their day to do more of what they love and value. 

  • We have provided energy for those struggling with nutrition and those fueling their fitness goals.

  • We have provided families with meals to bring them together. 

  • We have provided platforms for education and growth, and we have provided kindness and care. 


In the last 10 years, we have been grateful enough to have…



We are unable to express our gratitude to each and every one of our customers, our loyal supporters, whether you’ve ordered once, or 100 times, we appreciate you! Our mission is to bring real and positive change to the lives of our customers, and to be here, 10 years after fruition, doing just that warms our hearts.


Thank you for welcoming us into your homes and making this dream happen!