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Sneaky Veggies

  • 5 months ago

While we don’t condone lying to your loved ones about what’s in their food, sometimes you have to do what’s best for their health! Especially if fussy children are involved. There are several creative ways to incorporate vegetables into meals without your family noticing! Here are some ideas:

  • Blend Veggies into Sauces

Tomato sauces: Puree carrots, spinach, or zucchini into pasta sauces. Their flavours blend in, and they add extra nutrients.
Smoothies: Add mild vegetables like spinach or cauliflower to fruit smoothies. The sweetness of fruits like bananas or berries will mask the veggie taste.

  • Mashed Potatoes

Mix in mashed cauliflower, parsnips, carrots, or butternut pumpkin. They blend well with the creamy texture of mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes!

  • Baked Goods

Muffins and cakes: Grated zucchini, or carrots can be added to batters without affecting the taste. They’ll add moisture and extra nutrients.
Brownies: Incorporate pureed black beans, sweet potatoes, or even avocado into brownie batter. The chocolate totally masks the flavour!

  • Hidden in Meat Dishes

Grate or finely chop vegetables like zucchini, carrots, spinach or mushrooms and mix them into the minced meat dishes like meatballs, meatloaf, bolognese, savoury mince or burger patties!

  • Soup and Stews

Add pureed butternut squash, carrots, cauliflower or pumpkin to soups for added creaminess and nutrition.

  • Rice and Grains

Mix finely minced chopped cauliflower into regular rice or other grains. Start with small amounts and gradually increase to ensure they don’t catch on quickly.


Let us know if you have any other favourite ways to increase your family’s vegetable intake! And feel free to check out our Hidden Veg menu range ðŸ’š