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Our Dietitian's top 3 tips for managing Type 2 Diabetes through diet

  • 1 year ago

If you’re someone living with Type 2 Diabetes, following a healthy diet is important to slowing, or even stopping the progression of your Diabetes. In this blog, our Dietitian will provide you with her top three tips for managing Type 2 Diabetes through diet.  


Tip 1: Evenly distributed carbohydrate intake across the day 

There is usually no need to remove carbohydrates completely from your diet. 

Research shows, blood sugar levels are best managed by eating small to moderate amounts of carbohydrates spread equally across the day. Aiming for roughly the same amount of carbohydrates in your main meals, and roughly the same for your snacks is ideal. 


An example of evenly spread carbohydrates throughout the day can look like…

Breakfast: 30g Carbohydrates (2 x CP’s)

Morning Tea: 15g Carbohydrates (1 x CP)

Lunch: 30g Carbohydrates (2 x CP’s)

Afternoon Tea: 15g Carbohydrates (1 x CP)

Dinner: 30g Carbohydrates (2 x CP’s) 


Tip 2: Eat mostly Low GI Carbohydrates 

Low Glycaemic Index (GI) carbohydrates raise our blood sugar levels more slowly over a longer period of time. This is ideal because it results in sustained energy (no crash), lower blood sugar levels, and better managed blood sugar levels. Examples of Low GI carbohydrates include:

- Wholegrains (wholegrain bread, wholegrain pasta, brown rice, quinoa, oats)

- Fresh Fruit

- Plain/Natural Yoghurt

- Lentils

- Legumes


Tip 3: Ensure you have a source of fibre in most of your meals and snacks 

For most of us Aussies, fibre is always our friend. Yet, most of us aren’t eating enough fibre rich foods. Generally, aiming for 25g fibre per day for women, and 30g fibre per day for men is ideal. For someone with Type 2 Diabetes, fibre is important as it helps control blood sugar levels. Eating a meal or snack that is high in fibre, won’t raise your blood sugar levels as much as a meal or snack that is low in fibre.


Examples of high fibre foods include:

- Fruit

- Vegetables

- Wholegrains

- Nuts

- Seeds

- Lentils

- Legumes


Ready to implement these changes to your diet? 

Download our Nourish’d 7 Day Diabetic Friendly meal plans which incorporates all of our Dietitian’s top tips for healthy eating with Type 2 Diabetes. Click here to download the 7 Day Diabetic Friendly Meal Plan!


*Disclaimer: This advice shared in this blog is general advice only. For personalised advice, please speak with your Dietitian or Diabetes Educator.