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Nourish'd price increase August 2022

  • 2 years ago

Nourish'd Price Increase August 2022: An important announcement from our CEO and Co-Founder

Originally published in email format to customers, August 18th 2022


Nourish’d has seen so much change, challenge, and growth since our humble beginnings over 8 years ago. We’ve built a strong business, and service thousands of wonderful customers across Australia. 

We’ve forged our way through government changes, floods and fires, pandemic shut downs, starting families, and a tough competitive landscape. Through this all we’ve kept our customers at the center of our vision - To Have Real And Positive Impact on the Health of Humans. 

In 2022 things have changed dramatically - in this post pandemic world things cost more for all of us. From the lettuce on our burgers to the fuel in our cars we are all subject to the pinch of increasing costs. This also means that as a business almost everything for us has risen in cost. It absolutely pains me to say this, but I am writing to let you know that as of 18th of August, at 5:30pm you will see a slight increase in our prices.  

This email hits home more than most of you would know. In almost nine years all price rises from our suppliers have been absorbed by ourselves - after all, we’re here to impact lives, not take it to the bank. In the last 6 months though,

  • Our meat has gone up by 20%
  • Delivery costs have gone up by 15%
  • Energy costs have risen by 30%
  • Some vegetable costs have risen by as much as 90%  

Despite all of these increases we will be passing on only a small price rise. You will see a $1 price rise per meal, small increases across our snacks, sides and drinks and a $1 delivery increase per order (free delivery over $134 remains though!). Whilst this is small, we want to be completely transparent with you our wonderful customers - we know that every rise is tough; we have felt this both personally and in business over the last 6-12 months. We are also keeping the ongoing 5% discount offered to all customers set up with subscription orders.

We will always put you first, and that means this price rise is necessary to ensure we have a functioning business AND to ensure we can continue to bring you high quality meals, made by the best chefs on the Gold Coast, and offer the best customer service in Australia.

We know that the increased cost of living is difficult for everyone at the moment, which is why we wanted to be totally upfront and transparent about what’s changing and why. At the end of the day, please know that we care so deeply about our Nourish’d community and we are incredibly grateful for all the support you have given us over the years. 

Yours in kindness always, 



How will this impact my co-payment?

If you commonly receive 7 meals per week you can expect your total order to increase by $7 for those meals. 20% of this will be an increase of $1.40 per order.

What will this increase do to my overall budget? 

Please note we don’t make these decisions lightly and have kept NDIS budgets in mind with these slight increases. With a $1 increase per meal and $1 delivery charge you would be looking at a total order increase of $8 per week across 7 meals and delivery. If you are 75% of the way through a plan this would look like a change of $104 over the remaining 13 weeks of a plan, in most instances this will not tip someone over their total budget. Please contact us if you are concerned about your plan budget specifically so that we can work with you and your plan manager on your unique situation.