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Mighty Magnesium!

  • 8 months ago

With winter settling in, our bodies need extra care to stay healthy. Magnesium is crucial for numerous bodily functions. We know its importance for sleep, stress and muscle recovery, but why do we need to ensure adequate levels in winter?


  • Reduced Sunlight: Winter typically has us staying indoors, snuggled under blankets, or covered head to toe in winter warmers, and reduced exposure to sunlight can significantly impact mood and energy! Magnesium, with the help of Vitamin D, is crucial to assist neurotransmitter function, releasing those happy chemicals to your brain!


  • Relaxation & Recovery: Cold temperatures make blood vessels constrict, causing blood circulation to become poor. This limits the availability of oxygen to many parts of the body, making your heart work extra hard to pump blood. Magnesium can help to relax your muscles and your mind, and boost circulation!


  • Dietary Changes: Winter diets often lack sufficient amounts of magnesium-rich foods in favour of cosy comfort foods and snacks. While dark chocolate (yum!) is a good source of magnesium, it isn’t the healthiest option, and there are many other more satisfying sources you can include.


Ensuring Adequate Magnesium Intake



  • Supplements: Consider magnesium supplements if dietary intake is insufficient. We recommend consulting with a professional before beginning to supplement.


  • Topical Applications: Use Epsom salt baths for topical absorption.


This winter, prioritise magnesium to boost your health and well-being. From aiding muscle recovery to ensuring a happy mind, magnesium is an essential nutrient that supports your body in many ways. Embrace the power of magnesium to stay energised and enjoy peaceful nights of restorative sleep.