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Kidney Health for World Kidney Day

  • 1 year ago

March 14 marks World Kidney Day, an occasion to raise awareness about the vital role our kidney’s play in maintaining overall health. These bean-shaped organs are the unsung heroes that filter our blood and ensure internal balance. Today we’re going to delve into the significance of the kidneys, the potential complications of unhealthy kidney function, strategies for maintaining kidney health, and dietary recommendations for those navigating poor kidney health or chronic kidney disease. These will be general recommendations and every case does vary, so please be sure to check with your doctor for more specific recommendations.


The kidneys are located on either side of the spine, just below the rib cage and are about the size of an adult fist. Although small, they are in charge of many complex and vital bodily functions which you can see in the below infographic:



When the kidneys become damaged over time and function falters, chronic kidney disease (CKD) can occur. Its slow progression can often mean symptoms are not present until the condition is advanced, and it is estimated that 90% of kidney function can be lost with no symptoms, and if left untreated, it can lead to further complications. CKD is estimated to affect more than 850 million people worldwide and resulted in over 3.1 million deaths in 2019. Presently, kidney disease ranks as the 8th leading cause of death, and in Australia, 3 in 4 are at risk of kidney disease, with 12% of deaths being kidney-related.



Maintaining healthy kidneys involves maintaining healthy lifestyle choices to support overall wellbeing. Staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and managing conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure are key preventative measures. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are also positive contributors.


For those navigating poor kidney function or CKD, a tailored diet plays a pivotal role. Monitoring protein intake is essential as excessive protein can put strain on already compromised kidneys. Sodium and potassium should also be regulated to manage blood pressure and fluid balance. It is recommended to have a dietitian as part of your treatment team to assist you in creating a personalised nutrition plan.



Hot tip! Did you know Nourish’d has Low Sodium meals that can assist you monitor your blood pressure? Contact our team of experts today for assistance!


Today, and every other day, let’s celebrate our kidneys and acknowledge their hard work and overall significance in our health. By understanding our lifestyle choices that support them, we can promote kidney health for all and significantly reduce the number of kidney disease cases each year. For more information, check out the below links for the World Kidney Day 2024 campaign -