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How To Keep Your Energy Up This Summer!

  • 2 years ago

The summer sun has truly set in and the Nourish’d team are oh so happy about it! Summer (especially after the Christmas season) means getting outside, being active and, of course, nourishing your body with easy summer meals. So, how can we keep our energy up on a daily basis to ensure we enjoy summer to the fullest? 

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Drinking enough water throughout the day plays a crucial role in increasing and maintaining energy levels.

This is because your brain is strongly influenced by how much water you consume and when. Mild dehydration can impact brain function which may lead to increased feelings of fatigue and even anxiety. Not something you want to experience on a warm summer's day! To keep your water intake up it is recommended that Australian adults drink 8 to 10 cups of water per day with 1 cup being 250ml. Next time you sit down to eat a summer meal, grab a water on the side and drink up. 

A good night’s sleep

This may seem obvious but if you aren't getting the 6-8 hours of regular sleep a night your body will begin to fade.

There are many benefits of a good night’s sleep including:

  • Improved mood;
  • Reduced stress;
  • Maintaining a healthy weight;
  • Avoiding sickness due to a healthier immune system.

However, the most important benefit of quality sleep is maintaining and increasing energy levels. If you are struggling to maintain a good sleep schedule, try limiting screen time an hour before you go to bed, getting your room to a comfortable, cool temperature and eating your summer meals a few hours before bedtime, not right before. Sweet dreams!

Get moving!

If you love hardcore exercise or you want to move your body just for fun, getting your muscles moving can help to improve energy levels.

This is because exercising in any capacity boosts oxygen circulation in your body which allows your brain and muscles to use energy more efficiently. Hello summer activities! The great thing about this tactic is it doesn’t have to be hard. Simply going for a beach walk, playing a family game outside or even hitting some golf balls at the driving range can have the same positive effects as a typical gym workout. Combined with a great diet of summer meals, leading an active lifestyle can most definitely boost your energy and allow you to have the best summer yet!

Increasing your intake of nourishing meals

Including real, healthy, nutrient dense foods into your diet is a great way to keep your energy up for summer.

Good quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates provide nutrients that will energise and fuel your body. Sometimes, it can be hard to stay on track with healthy foods, especially if your social calendar is booked with dinners and drinks. A great strategy is having easy summer meals on hand so you can get the proper nutrients into your diet. Luckily for you Nourish’d has your back! Our new summer menu is full of healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner options that can be delivered straight to your door. The team's new summer meal favourites are the Moroccan Baked Eggs and Meatball Marinara (yum!). 

To order easy summer meals head to our menu and order by 5pm Thursday AEST. If you have any questions regarding our menu or delivery please don’t hesitate to reach out to our wonderful customer service team on or call 07 3132 3957.