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How Does Nourish’d Do Sustainability?

  • 2 years ago

Did you know that each year in Australia alone, we waste around 7.6 million tonnes of food - the equivalent of 312 kg per person? 3% of food wastage contributes to our annual emissions. I know what you may be thinking, “You are a meal delivery service, you are contributing to the climate crisis.” However, that statement could not be further from the truth. At Nourish’d we believe in having a real and positive impact on the health of humans, and that vision includes the environment. 

What’s the deal with greenhouse emissions? 

We may not be able to single-handedly reverse global warming, but we can put operations in place to do everything we can to make a difference and eliminate food wastage. When it comes to food wastage, it’s not just about the old banana peel you tossed in the bin three weeks after you purchased it - it’s talking about the entire supply and consumption chain. 

The energy and water it takes to grow, harvest, transport, and package food. Once the wasted food hits the landfill, it produces methane (e.g., a greenhouse gas even more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide). This leaves us with two issues: The carbon dioxide (from energy emissions) that is produced in generating food and getting it to your fridge and the methane produced in the rotting landfill. 

How does Nourish’d do sustainability? 

Although this may seem super doom and gloom, we’ve got some good news for you. 6-8% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced if we stopped wasting food. This is where we come in and tell you all the great sustainability practices we have put into place by delivering our ready-made meals straight to your door.  

Fully Recyclable Delivery Boxes

First things first, our delivery boxes are fully recyclable cardboard boxes. After putting your delicious Nourish’d meals into the fridge, we recommend placing the cardboard box into your home recycling bin.  

100% Recyclable Meal Containers 

Not only are your Nourish’d meal containers available in three size variations, but they are also 100% recyclable. Simply peel the Nourish’d label off the meal container and place it in the bin. Then wash out the plastic Nourish’d container and put it in your home recycling bin. 

Silver Insulation Wrap

Have you ever gone inside Woolworths or Coles and noticed the Red Cycle Drop-offs? Red Cycle is a recovery program for soft plastics to redirect them from a landfill to a circular economy. The insulation liners included with each Nourish’d meal (to ensure your food stays fresh) can be recycled at Red Cycle Drop-offs. By dropping your Nourish’d insulation wrapping at your local Red Cycle Drop-off, you are helping us create a sustainable future. Click here to see your closest Red Cycle Drop off!

No Air Shipment

At Nourish’d we deliver to most major cities and towns on Australia’s East Coast, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Tasmania, and more. As much as we would love the entire of Australia to eat our delicious Nourish’d meals, we would be unable to uphold our value of having a real and positive impact on the health of humans + the environment. 

We have stopped air freighting products across the country. Our meals may take longer to get to you, but the net carbon emissions of road travel are significantly lower than air. Small acts of sustainability can be done every day to reduce our carbon footprint. With every Nourish’d delivery, you are helping create sustainable change. Thank you for being a part of our sustainability journey.