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Following a dairy free diet? Read this to find out if you’re getting enough calcium!

  • 1 year ago

There are many reasons why someone may choose to not consume dairy. With two of the most common reasons being following a vegan diet, or having a dairy allergy or intolerance. Studies show an approximate 1 in 6 Australians follow a dairy free diet, that’s over four million people. 


Dairy products, more specifically milk, is a good source of protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Therefore removing dairy from the diet, can result in not consuming enough vitamins and minerals we typically get from dairy products from other foods. One of the main minerals of concern is calcium. 

Calcium has several important roles in our bodies. It’s essential for our bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, blood, heart, and hormones. Without sufficient calcium in our diets, we’re at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, dental problems, imbalanced hormones, and more seriously - hypocalcaemia, which results in muscle aches, fatigue, and even heart arrhythmias. 


Current calcium requirements in Australia for adults are:

  • Women aged 19-51: 1000mg/day
  • Women aged 51+: 1300mg/day
  • Men aged 19-70: 1000mg/day 
  • Men aged 70+: 1300mg/day


Dairy intake is often associated with receiving adequate calcium, as milk,  yoghurt, and cheese are all excellent sources of calcium

  • 1 cup of Milk = 300mg calcium (30% daily intake) 
  • 170g Yoghurt = 300mg calcium (30% daily intake)
  • 40g Cheddar Cheese = 300mg calcium (30% daily intake) 


However, it is certainly possible to also receive adequate calcium from non-dairy foods if following a healthy diet. 


Dairy free foods that are high in calcium, but aren’t suitable for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet include:

  • 100g Salmon or Tuna = 300g calcium (30% daily intake)
  • 50g Sardines = 250mg calcium (25% daily intake)

Dairy free foods that are high in calcium, and are also suitable for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet include:

  • 200mL Soy Milk = 250mg calcium (25% daily intake)
  • 200g Soy Yoghurt = 240mg calcium (24% daily intake)
  • 100g Tofu = 200mg calcium (20% daily intake)
  • 45g Fortified Cereals (check packaging) = up to 200mg calcium (20% daily intake)
  • 20g Chia Seeds = 130mg calcium (13% daily intake)
  • 1 tbsp Tahini = 80mg calcium (8% daily intake)
  • 1 cup green leafy vegetables = 80mg calcium (8% daily intake)
  • 30g Almonds = 70mg calcium (7% daily intake)

It’s easy to see there are plenty of calcium rich dairy free foods to choose from to ensure you are getting adequate calcium. Ensuring you follow a healthy diet rich in green leafy vegetables, soy based products, nuts, seeds, and oily fish (if you choose to consume seafood), you’ll be well on your way to strong healthy bones! 


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