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Break The Bias with Nourish'd: International Women’s Day 2022

  • 3 years ago

As a workplace of 90% women, Nourish’d knows how important it is to raise awareness, break the bias and celebrate the achievements of women everywhere. A gender equal world is far from occurring but we are always getting closer. Break the bias this International Women’s Day to forge women’s equality for a gender inclusive world.

We asked the Nourish’d team what International Women’s Day means to them. Let's see what they had to say.

Abbey, CEO & Co Founder

Being a woman is hard!

This is why I’m consistently surrounding myself with women who  inspire and amaze me everyday. We must all stick together to forge success in this gender bias world, especially when it comes to business and career. I hope that all the women who came before me are proud of what our generation has accomplished together. 

Brendan, Head of Customer Care

International Women’s Day is more than just a day, it should be an everyday appreciation of the fights that have been had for equality. I have a lot of  female role models whom I look up to. My mother I absolutely adore and share a strong relationship with and to think that women were not treated equally and continue not to be really upsets me. Without women nobody would be here. The amazing feats of strength that are shown on a daily basis.

It’s more than a day.

It’s about recognising that people have done the wrong thing in the past and this is a step we all take together to strive for greatness in our world. 

Danicca, Customer Care 

Being a woman for me is both an honour and a responsibility. I am so blessed to have been born at a time when women have the equal rights as men. I am grateful to all the women who have inspired me to become the woman I am today. 

As a woman, I am honoured to be able to live freely, do the things I love, pursue my goals and dreams, conquer my fears and insecurities, and voice out my ideas and opinions.

Also, I believe that it is my duty to empower other women like me and to promote peace, love, respect and equality. As Michelle Obama once said, 'there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish,' so go and take that space for you. You go girl!

Ari, Customer Care

I used to struggle as I felt that I didn't fit the typical feminine stereotype as I felt that it didn't allow room for the masculine aspects I sensed in myself, but as I've grown, I've realised that being a woman is so much more than just being feminine. To me, being a woman means living in my power, being assertive, and embracing my strength while also embracing my kind, compassionate, empathetic and nurturing side.

I'm thankful for the inspiring women who paved the path before me, allowing me to live a life full of opportunity and the ability to speak my truth.

Jemma, Marketing Assistant

International Women’s Day is about acknowledging the amazing people who fought for all women to live an equal and opportunistic life.

On this day I reflect on how lucky I am to be born in a time where I do have choices and do not have to rely on anyone else to help me live my life.

This is what makes it great to be a woman today - I can live and learn in my femininity whilst forging success for myself and others. 

Ella, Content Creator 

To me, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate my strength. Women have faced so many challenges over the years in regards to equality, and to see how far we’ve come is incredible. I think women are strong, independent and amazing people.

I’m so lucky to be one.

Our team is so proud of the women that create change at Nourish’d. On International Women’s Day and every day we celebrate this! To follow the official UN Women's International Women’s Day campaign click here.