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5 Signs You Might Need More Vitamin D

  • 3 years ago

Did you know experts recommend 6000IU of Vitamin D per day? Thats about 10 - 15mins of sunlight exposure. Many of us, especially in the cooler months, don't venture far from our work spaces or go outside as much therefore decreasing natures chance to boost our vitamin D levels. Of course you need to be sun smart at the same time so as to protect our skin. Here are some signs that you might need to boost your D levels...

1 - Sweaty Head A classic sign of vitamin D deficiency is a sweaty head. Like I am talking, no exercise and you have a sweaty head. Might wanna investigate further.

2 - Tired and Fatigued Are you feeling tired all the time? Are you exhausted even after having plenty of sleep? You might need to get out and get some sunshine!

3 - Feeling Down Are you feeling like you just can't lift your mood? Lift that down in the dumps vibe and get some vitamin D stat!

4 - Immune System Low Can't seem to shake that cold or flu? Keep getting sick often? Boosting your vitamin D and get you on the road to recovery quicker!

5 - Muscle Pain Muscle pain causes can be hard to pinpoint but a potential cause is vitamin D deficiency.